Meet Alicia

Mindset Master - Consistency Coach

Food Relationship and Body Image Wizard

Collaborative Executive Officer of Ritual Coaching Collective

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As a consistency coach, I help fitness professionals master the skills of consistency, courage, and resilience themselves and then teach them how to pass those same skills on to their clients.

As a Food Body Self coach, I help individuals shift their focus from their body fat to their self-worth, feel at home in their bodies, and not only make peace with, but enjoy food and exercise. My philosophy is that it’s okay to pursue health without losing weight—but that weight loss is okay too, if that’s their choice, and if so to help them lose weight in the healthiest most sustainable way.

I know how intimidating behavior change can be. Over the course of my life I’ve struggled with suicidal depression, anxiety and panic attacks, bulimia, binging and emotional eating, toxic relationships, and chronic debt.


As a direct result of changing my mindset, I’ve been able to:

  • Gain control over my mental and physical health (which is the foundation for everything else I’ve been able to accomplish in my life

  • Build a fulfilling business

  • Shift from digging myself into debt to amassing savings (I can’t even begin to express how freeing and satisfying this feels—even if it is foreign and unexpected)

  • Develop a healthy, supportive relationship (rather than the toxic ones I’d grown accustomed to)

  • Kick 22 years of depression and anxiety to the curb (I firmly believe that I will never suffer with depression or anxiety again—and it’s all been possible thanks to learning that I am in control of my thoughts).

  • Learn the kind of unwavering consistency that finally allows me to achieve my goals (and the GRIT required to keep going when I meet failure or run into an obstacle)

...all by developing the long-sought resilience and consistency I craved for decades.

Thanks to my mental transformation, I’ve gone from a professional toe-dipper to a professional violinist, amateur bodybuilder, and an effective mindset coach whose students have learned to wield the power of their minds to relieve their anxiety, banish procrastination, and stick to their goals.

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Here are some of the many accomplishments my students have achieved as a result of their mindset coaching:

  • Start a daily meditation practice for herself (for 14 months and counting…)

  • Stabilize his moods and increase his resilience to stop setting aside his fitness goals for months at a time when “life happened”

  • Dig out from constant worry and despair to be more in the moment and enjoy his family

  • Develop a healthy, positive relationship with food (followed by easy, sustainable weight loss)

  • Drop her anxious thinking habits so she could remain consistent in building her business and bounce back from setbacks

  • Learn how to diffuse anxious thoughts so she could balance her work with self-care and stop burning out

  • Drop his decades-long procrastination habit in a matter of months (and persist for 12+ months after ending coaching)

  • Process her work stress productively and take on new projects without waiting until the last minute to get started

And THAT is how I know consistency is a teachable skill.

Would you like to learn more about harnessing the power of consistency?


Results like these are not only possible, they’re inevitable when you focus on the right kind of change: your mindset.

While it might feel like magic, it’s science: evidence-based practices combined to provide replicable success.


Alicia Castaneda is a mindset coach and certified nutritionist helping men and women leave anxiety, procrastination, emotional eating, and inconsistency behind, enabling them to hit any goal they set.

She first became interested in personal development pursuits over 15 years ago, starting a vigorous period of self-experimentation, and eventually passing on what she learned to others. 

Alicia’s first foray into teaching was violin lessons after receiving a B.A. in Music. Several years later she transitioned into the health and wellness sphere, coaching fitness and nutrition, before turning to a primary focus in mindset coaching. To date, she has helped nearly 400 men and women transform their minds and bodies.