A multi-format program teaching evidence-based psychology tools to fitness and nutrition professionals so they can confidently support clients in improving their relationships with food, exercise, and their bodies.
Nutrition and personal training certifications DON’T adequately prepare you to help your clients implement healthy habits
Don’t get me wrong—I believe building a solid knowledge base in both nutrition and exercise is vitally important—but every large certification program out there focuses on WHAT your clients should be doing, not the HOW.
And let’s be honest, we all know what we should be doing to be healthier. My clients are all very capable of telling me they want to eat more veggies and less processed snack foods, and that they want to spend less time in front of the tv and more time moving their bodies.
The problem is…
There is a HUGE gap between knowing WHAT to do and knowing HOW to get yourself to do it.
Despite popular belief, you CANNOT rely on habit coaching to enact behavior changes.
Habits only scratch the surface.
In order for you to change your behaviors, you must also understand what influences those behaviors: emotions and thoughts.
To dig down to the core and enact permanent, transformational changes, you MUST understand not only how thoughts impact behaviors, but how to change your thoughts.
You may have already heard, “Mindset is key.” Heck, you might have even parroted the phrase yourself.
But changing your mindset takes more than deciding what you want to believe and repeating that belief to yourself.
You can tell your clients WHAT to change…but do you know HOW to support them when they get stuck?
The majority of coaches do a beautiful job of telling their clients what changes to implement to get them the results they want.
They write advanced, personalized programs, make knowledgeable recommendations for their diets, and supplement that with tips on improving stress, sleep, steps, or water intake.
And to our delight, some of our clients take those suggestions and run. They’re easy. They have no problem sticking to a new program.
Unfortunately, those “easy” clients are in the minority.
Even worse, many coaches label clients that aren’t “easy” as lacking in motivation or desire to change.
But this isn’t even close to the truth.
Most “difficult” clients can easily be reached if you know how their thoughts and feelings are impacting their behaviors.
Issues like emotional eating, undereating, skipping workouts, overexercising, sneaking food, and so on, can all be overcome.
Consistency is a skill that can be taught.
The knowledge and tools to learn how to be consistent come from sources ranging from health psychology to therapeutic modalities to emotional intelligence research.
That knowledge and those tools are precisely what’s inside of the:
Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship
Mindset · Mindfulness · Motivation
The Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship is for coaches who:
Struggle to reliably help their clients make changes to their health habits
For better or worse, YOUR skills affect their consistency
Have a background in nutrition or exercise coaching but recognize the gaps in their education
Fill in the gaps in places like psychology, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and mindset
Want to feel confident not just in telling their clients what to do, but getting them through sticky, self-sabotaging habits
Once you finally understand how to help them through issues like emotional eating, binge eating, over/underexercising, and more
Already see the value of mindset, emotional intelligence, and psychology in nutrition and fitness coaching…
…but want concrete tools and instructions for IMPLEMENTATION
Want their clients to experience more “a-ha” and breakthrough moments
Knowing YOU led them there
Recognize the unreliable nature of motivation and willpower
And want to learn evidence-based strategies to increase them
What Coaches Are Saying About MMM:
“I had a lot of doubt about my abilities and having tools that I knew a little bit about but not enough.
Knowing that I can implement new things and see them be successful has been super exciting. I'm going into the next chapter feeling really good and really positive about my abilities as a coach to help people in the way that I feel is way more important than then macros or calories or anything else.
I really feel like I got way more out of this than I ever expected.”
— Patty Blancaflor
“I had a client who used to go to social events or activities with that food scarcity mindset of, ‘I have to eat all this now.’ And now she can go out without doing that anymore.
The difference is amazing.
I had another client who learned to practice self-care rather than emotional eating during some difficult circumstances she encountered during our time together, and she’s also started setting some boundaries with things in her world.”
— Katie Duckworth
You don’t have to be a psychologist to know mindset is key—but changing the way you think involves more than just repeating new beliefs.
And you don’t have to be a psychologist to be able to support your clients in emotional processing—the number one skill they will need to develop in order to halt habits like emotional and binge eating.
I have never gotten better, more reliable results for my clients than when I started implementing a few basic techniques to enhance emotional intelligence—which I didn’t need a PhD to achieve.
One of the most important things I learned from deep diving into the worlds of mindfulness science, CBT, DBT, ACT, health psychology, motivation theory, and mindset science is this:
You cannot simply repeat a belief and expect your mindset to change.
In fact, doing this can often backfire.
That’s why inside the Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship, you’ll learn the exact strategies that are proven to work consistently in order to help your clients change the way they think.
Coach PB
“You took something that looked scary and turned it into something fun that I can learn.”
Coach MJ
“[Our clients’] language has improved overall leaps and bounds. I think more people have been helped than ever before in our business because of the impact that you’ve had.”
Coach KD
“This work is amazing and the clients that have embraced it are thriving.”

As a coach, the Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship will allow you to:
Stop repeating the same advice week after week (because what you say is more effective than “just get back on track”)
Make deeper connections with your clients
Stop relying on your clients’ readiness to change and start getting them to build momentum no matter where they’re at
Enhance your sense of proficiency as a coach (no more imposter syndrome)
Replace hit-or-miss tools like habit coaching with more effective ones like mindset coaching (because you’ll address your clients’ deeper core issues)
Build your client roster (because you’ll be getting better testimonials and more referrals)
Watch your clients’ motivation improve…
…Which will tighten their consistency…
…Ultimately leading to better results
The Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship Curriculum
How to explain mindfulness to your clients and help them see how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are linked
Increases their self-awareness and teaches them firsthand how habits are formed and changed
Bolsters their sense of self-worth as they begin to assign less blame to themselves and understand psychological underpinnings of behavior
Two methods to help your clients uncover their true motivations for their goals and enlisting your help
Sets the foundation for value-driven actions (intrinsic motivation)
5 Reasons S.M.A.R.T. goals can backfire and what type of goals to set instead
The difference between disordered eating and eating disorders
Definitions and signs of each
Where your scope of focus ends; how and when to refer out
Tools to help your clients develop a thorough understanding of their past, present, and desired (future) relationships with food, body, and themselves (which will serve to guide your coaching path with them)
Tips to increase their sense of autonomy, one of the most important requirements for maintaining intrinsic motivation
How to support your clients in cultivating a sense of self-love, which in turn increases their desire to perform health-promoting behaviors (acts of self-care) such as making healthy food choices and exercising more frequently
Exercises to increase self-compassion and identify self-critic triggers
Self-compassion is a necessary component of consistency and resilience and will help them to get back on track more quickly after a failure or setback
The roots of perfectionism (all-or-nothing/black-and-white thinking) and what to help them focus on instead
Includes a powerful question to help keep them from spiraling after a single slip-up
The roles gratitude and other positive emotions play in consistency and resilience
Tools to cultivate gratitude and other positive emotions
The necessity of rest AND play...but when it’s NOT a good idea to “assign” them; how to support your clients in protecting their energy in alternative ways
Why your clients will have greater success if they focus on their strengths rather than areas they need to improve
How to identify their character strengths and implement them on a daily basis
Your clients are probably not feeling their feelings—even if they think they are. What this means for them and you and how it’s creating additional stress and barriers to their success
How to help them practice feeling their feelings and why it’s important to take this step before they learn how to “control” or change their emotions
How to teach your clients to sit with cravings and increase their confidence that they don’t have to give in to them every time
Give your clients a foundation from which to minimize and overcome chronic restriction, cravings, emotional eating, and binge eating
How to use the “A.F.T.E.R.” exercise to take the edge off negative feelings such as anger, sadness, and fear in the moment
This tool will also lower their baseline level of stress, increase their overall mood, and is one of the most powerful keys to a resilient mindset
The most helpful way to help them overcome emotional/binge eating
How to “create” your feelings to increase motivation to take positive actions
How to lower baseline levels of anxiety and cope with anxiety when it’s occurring
Teach your clients how to reframe thoughts so they can utilize them in productive ways
How to get your clients to believe new thoughts about their food, their bodies, and themselves—including how to change core beliefs
Using the stories we tell ourselves to achieve post-traumatic growth and post-ecstatic growth
The research underpinning a growth mindset and tools for developing one
The research underpinning a challenge mindset and tools for developing one
A more effective method for tracking habits that deepens self-reflection and leads to increases in effort
How confidence and courage are related—which one you want to use depending on circumstances and tools to increase both
How to address hitting plateaus and increase your client’s patience with getting through by helping them to refocus
Tools for habit and ritual development
Busting myths about habit formation, e.g. research behind why it’s NOT a good idea to reward yourself after a workout
Identifying and predicting obstacles to success
Planning ahead to overcome obstacles
How to manage mental energy to preserve willpower throughout the day
Willpower is NOT a limited resource
The research underpinning an abundance mindset and tools for developing one (as it relates to food)
How to increase mental satiety, not just physical satiety, so that your clients experience the feeling of “enough” at the end of a meal; decreases instances of overeating
Mindful eating practices - what mindful eating is and is not - teach your clients how to eat mindfully - what they should be thinking about in the short- and long-term
Help your clients identify their hunger signals, whether or not they are tracking
When they are in touch with their bodies, they will be far more likely to stay at a healthy weight rather than regaining
They will practice noticing the difference between emotional and physiological triggers to eat, decreasing instances of emotional eating (including for stress or boredom)
The food mindset that will help them enjoy healthy foods more and choose them more frequently because they will associate them with pleasure vs. restriction
The exercise mindset that cultivates intrinsic motivation and reduces friction in choosing to move more frequently and increases pleasure
Why mentoring (performed by your clients) is important to them ingraining what they learn from you and how it can create more permanent results for your clients
Why you cannot ignore the importance of community-building
Tips for creating a more engaged community
How to create a community of two if your client doesn’t want to be part of a group
Utilizing the power of your clients’ existing allies (network) to help them succeed
Increasing awareness of their environment, especially how the people in it impact their behaviors and long-term success
Here’s how we’ll make it happen:
Group and private video coaching calls will serve as:
The foundation of your mindfulness and mindset education
High-level accountability
Personalized guidance, and
Intimate community support
You’ll have lifetime access to all the transformational text, audio, and video materials on our course platform, plus free upgrades when new material is added.
Weekly quests will serve as suggested applications as well as opportunities for you to practice and integrate the most effective, proven tools in your toolbox.
You’ll gain lifetime access to our private community, only open to Ritual Coaching Collective students, where we gather to share our biggest victories and turn to each other for support through challenges.
You’ll have unlimited text and email access to your coach for the full length of the program.
What Coaches Are Saying About MMM:
“[My clients are] realizing, ‘Oh my gosh, we didn't even discuss weight or anything like that,’ because we’re talking about more of the thoughts and the feelings they didn't realize were connected to their weight.
Before, they would have said, ‘No, just give me my numbers, I want to lose weight,’ but they're realizing this is the REAL work that needs to be done and they're adjusting.
They’re leaving with a whole different perspective.
That's really exciting to me.”
“I've used a lot of different strategies we've talked about during this program and a lot of clients have said, ‘Wow, this goes way beyond nutrition and exercise.’
Several of them have used these strategies for other things in life; it spills over.
When you start digging below the surface of getting numbers or eating more protein or whatever, it’s nice to have the tools to be able to say, ‘There are opportunities to go a little bit deeper so you don't have to gain this weight back or go onto another diet.’”
“As a coach, but also personally, there’s more awareness on their emotional eating and that being a concern first and foremost rather than, ‘Is Person X getting to their goal?’”
MMM is a 6-month multi-format program consisting of group calls, private calls, and supplementary course materials.
The intimate format invites up to 6 coaches per cohort for maximum personalized attention.
We use evidence-based mindset interventions, mindfulness tools, emotional intelligence skills, as well as elements of various therapeutic modalities.
MMM is designed to teach you how to help your clients improve their relationships with food and exercise, their body image, and self-worth.
2 x 60-minute calls per month
4 x 60-minute private group mastermind calls per month
Weekly Quests to practice the new tools in your toolbox
Lifetime access to supplementary course materials including articles, videos, an interactive workbook, and guided meditations
Lifetime access to our private online community
Unlimited text and email access to your mentor
The Mindset M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. Mentorship is a 6-month coaching program and begins every six months.
Our next cohort begins in November 2022.
If they want to lose weight, building a solid foundation is key. Achieving and maintaining the body composition at which you feel your best requires you to have a healthy relationship with food, exercise, your body, and yourself.
Ritual Coaching Collective and the material inside MMM does not explicitly encourage or discourage weight loss, but for the reasons stated above, the program is a prerequisite for successful and long-term weight loss.
Ritual Coaching Collective and MMM does not explicitly encourage or discourage weight loss, and we welcome students with no intention of changing their bodies.
MMM will teach you how to support your clients in developing a healthy relationship with food, improving their body image, and building up their self-worth.