8 Science-Backed Ways to Increase Your Willpower
If you’d like to practice increasing your willpower, here are 8 ways you can do it.
10 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Goals Backfire
You may believe that the first step you need to take in order to lose weight is to set an ambitious, clearly defined goal…but you’d be wrong. Here are 10 reasons why setting a specific weight loss goal to achieve by a certain deadline is likely one of the very things that is sabotaging your success.
When “Healthy Habits” Aren’t Always Healthy
I used to think you could classify habits as either doing something harmful or wasteful or something beneficial or productive. As it turns out, that line of thinking is wrong. Here’s what science is beginning to uncover.
Why Diets Fail To Give You Control Over Food
Every diet has some form of law, ruling, or regulation forming the foundation of their eating protocol. Ironically, rigid restraint has been associated with higher levels of unplanned, compulsive eating and other undesirable results. And while “flexible dieting” offers more benefits than rigid dieting, it still demands restraint, leading to the same pitfalls. Fortunately, there’s another way.
The Mindset for Exercise Motivation & Consistency
“I have to work out” is out. But “I get to work out” still isn’t good enough. Learn how you can use your mindset to get to “I WANT to work out.”
Sustainable Portion Control: How to Feel Satisfied With Less Food
Most individuals are able to decrease their intake temporarily. Problems arise once they begin to feel dissatisfied with what they’re eating, either because their appetite increases, or because they feel mentally restricted leading to increased cravings…which is why satisfaction is central to the topic of portion control.
How to Meditate with a Busy Mind
The most common feedback I hear from people who have tried meditation are variations on “I can’t clear my mind,” or “I can’t keep my mind from racing.” Seeing as meditation can bring myriad benefits, I thought I would clear up a few meditation misconceptions and provide a few examples of different ways you can practice if you’ve had a hard time starting in the past.
6 Ways to Bring Sugar into Balance in Your Diet
By far the most frequent complaint I get from people who desire a healthier, more peaceful relationship with food is that sugar is problematic. But a balanced, moderate relationship with sweets is absolutely possible. Here’s what you should know if you want to make that happen.
How to Untangle Your Attachment to Food
If you’re struggling with an unhealthy or uncontrollable attachment to food, you’re not alone. One of the top complaints I hear is that food has become an obsession and it’s taking up WAY too much brain space. If you’ve reached this point of distress with food, here’s the deal…
My Unconventional Definition of Self-Love
There’s a lot of misguided promotion for self-love along the lines of "you have to love yourself," or "put on your own oxygen mask first." But self-love is not a decision.