How to Tell if Your Eating is Disordered—and When to Seek Help
If you’re unsure whether your eating habits are problematic or not, the term “disordered eating” might sound scary. Learn the difference between disordered eating and eating disorders, and when it’s time to seek help for your eating behaviors.
Why You Can’t Hate Yourself Thin
Today’s society perpetuates the idea that you need to look a certain way in order to be admired or desired. Along the way, we end up turning against ourselves. Many individuals falsely assume they can use this self-hatred as fuel to change—but that will nearly always backfire.
You Can Learn to Embrace Discomfort
I’m a true hedonist. I love comfort and pleasure. So I had to WORK to go from lazy to laborer. But if someone like me can learn to embrace the suck, so can you.
The Romantic Lie You Believe About Your Body Image
Why do you want your body to look a certain way? If you think it’s your personal preference, you’re probably wrong. But you can better understand what you want, why you want it, and how to change your goals and experiences, when you view body image through the lens of imitative desire.
You Had Better Wash Your Bowl
In healing your relationship with food and maintaining an easygoing, balanced style of eating, not all of the work you’ll do will be directly related to your nutrition. This Zen story about washing your bowl sums up four ways to gain greater peace with yourself and your food.
Is the Self-Worth Paradox Sabotaging Your Goals?
Low self-worth leads to a lack of confidence, resilience, and hope. Not a great recipe for achieving your goals. If your self-worth is handicapping you from accomplishing what you want to, here are four ways to reclaim a deep sense of self-worth that will facilitate your goal achievement.
How to Stop Eating When No Foods are Off-Limits
Answering the question: “How do I find balance in the space between allowing myself to have previously restricted foods because no foods are off-limits and not overeating them just because they’re around?”
How I Stopped Hating My Body
Self-criticism won’t change automatically when your body changes. Regardless of what your body looks like and whether it changes or not, this simple 4-step process will help you find greater peace with your image.
Facing Your Fears of Showing Up
When I faced my fear of showing up honestly in my body, the process I put myself through was one of gradual exposure—the same therapeutic process that individuals undertake when facing a fear in therapy, whether it’s a fear of dogs, germs, or leaving your house. Here’s how I did it.
Change Your Clothes, Change Your Life
Your clothes change not only how others perceive you, but how you perceive yourself. Here are two ways that dressing yourself thoughtfully can elicit more helpful feelings and behaviors so you can feel comfortable and confident in your body.